Saturday, June 9, 2012

Android's Horloger for Windows 7


Horloger is a standalone gadget that puts a great looking clock on your Windows 7 and Windows Vista desktop. it comes in 2 sizes, 4 styles, many different languages and works on both 32- and 64 bit systems. Just double-click the executable, make some adjustment settings to your preferences and you're good to go.

Horloger is an attractive replacement clock that takes the style of an old analogue flip flock by default. There are a number of other skins available, including a miniature version of the main theme, but this is the most impressive looking one. The clock can be configured to start automatically with Windows and you can choose whether minutes, second, or milliseconds should be displayed, and toggle the display and format of the date as well.

To ensure that you can always tell what the time is you can choose to have the clock always appear on top of other open programs and Windows. This may mean that important areas of your screen get covered up, so the option to make the clock slightly transparent is handy. The date bar can also be made transparent or hidden altogether if you would like to reclaim the screen space.

Horloger usually use in HTC Android phone, such as : HTC Desire S, but now Horloger can be installed on your windows 7.

Screenshot :

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